GUTGRINDER ‣ A Prophecy of Sacrilege

GUTGRINDER ‣ A Prophecy of Sacrilege


Colombia - 2016 - HWS36CD

Straight and right in your face, dark merciless Death Metal with a classic vibe. Crushing brutality delivered through deep tone guitars, blasting drumming and an outstanding growling vocals. Gutgrinder assembled a record that fulfills the expectations of any die-hard fan of the genre, with diverse songs structures from fast double bass and blast beats to slow and bold head-banging riffs.

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"No hay palabras para poder expresar la increíble calidad de esta banda. Su debut es toda una OBRA MAESTRA del género, siendo absolutamente impoluto a la par que perfecto en toda y cada una de sus facetas… Conjuntos así son los que mantienen vivo el “Metal Muerto”.

LORDS OF METAL - Netherlands (75/100)
"The Colombian trio Gutgrinder really take their Blast and Groove serious on this debut ... come out the gate blasting and throwing about some crushing riffs"

METAL LIVE - Colombia
"... su maestría compositiva, virtuosismo interpretativo y calidad en su producción, vislumbra una nueva etapa y se enmarca como un nuevo referente para el género en el país."

METAL RULES - Canada (3.5/5)
“…the Cali-based trio prove themselves worthy of being heard… Gutgrinder are all business here and mix their technical acuity and penchant brutality with the skill of a far more veteran, or at least seasoned, band.”